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Додано: Вів листопада 14, 2023 7:39 pm
Yurynets Z.V., Doctor of Economics,
Professor of the Department of Management,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Yurynets R.V., Candidate of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of
Information Systems and Networks,
National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

The development of management systems in organizations and the development of leadership competencies are closely related. Effective management systems ensure the efficient management of the organization, and the development of leadership competencies enables managers to effectively implement these systems.
Leadership competencies are a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for effective leadership [2].
They include such elements as:
- analytical thinking – the ability to understand complex problems and develop effective solutions;
- communication – the ability to communicate effectively with others;
- responsibility, which is the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions and decisions;
- motivating others to achieve common organizational goals;
- the ability to adapt to change and manage change.
Developing leader competencies is an important task for the success of an organization. Effective leaders can [1]:
- Motivate and direct employees to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.
- Create effective teams.
- Turn complex problems into opportunities.
An effective management system in an organization provides a framework for developing leadership competencies based on the structure and processes in place within which leaders can effectively exercise their skills and abilities.
On the other hand, developing leadership competencies is necessary for the effective implementation of management systems. Effective leaders can understand how management systems work and use them to achieve organizational goals.
Various methods of analyzing leader competencies are used to assess the knowledge, skills and abilities required for effective leadership.
The main methods of analyzing leader competencies:
- Surveys. This method involves collecting information from employees, customers, or other stakeholders to get their opinions on the leader’s competencies.
- Observation. This is a tool that involves the direct recording of a leader’s behaviour in different situations to assess the competencies.
- Document analysis. This is a method based on the analysis of documents, such as reports, presentations, or testimonials, to assess a leader’s competencies.
- Self-assessment. This is an approach based on a procedure by which a leader assesses the competencies.
- 360-degree feedback. This is a method that involves getting feedback from different people who work with the leader.
The authors analyzed the competencies that, in the opinion of the employees of Promspetsbud LLC, are the most necessary in the process of performing the director’s managerial functions. In this case, the division of competencies into [2, p. 145-153] was used: diagnostic and analytical, technical, social, and conceptual.
The skills of managers are divided into four groups:
- diagnostic and analytical skills - the ability to correctly assess the current state of affairs, draw appropriate conclusions, make adequate decisions and predict their consequences;
- technical skills - related to understanding how to perform certain work, for example, design, work with computer programs, research, and production;
- social skills - related to establishing and maintaining interpersonal (social) relationships, especially between a manager and a subordinate, as well as with clients, partners and investors;
- conceptual skills - the ability to think creatively, create new solutions and solve problems.
The competencies required for the performance of managerial duties by the Director of Promspetsbud LLC are shown in Fig. 1.
The study shows that the respondents ranked diagnostic and analytical competencies (34.1%) and conceptual competencies (28.6%) in the first place. Other groups of competencies received lower results, respectively: technical competencies – 16.2%, social competencies – 21.1%.
A fairly high percentage of signs of conceptual competence can be explained by the fact that the director is a senior manager.
Thus, effective management systems provide the basis for the development of a leader’s competencies, and the development of a leader’s competencies is necessary for the effective application of management systems.

1. Сновидович І.Г., Юринець З.В. Цифрові навички як чинник професійного розвитку. Соціоекономіка та менеджмент: стан, тенденції, управлінські рішення: збірник матеріалів Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції молодих вчених (Київ, 11 трав. 2022 р.): у 2-х ч. К.: КНЕУ, 2022. Ч. 1. С. 170-173
2. Юринець З.В., Макара О.В. Самоменеджмент: навч. посіб. Львів: ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2014. 272 с


Додано: Чет листопада 16, 2023 10:23 am
Богашко Олександр
It is right. Effective management systems provide the basis for the development of a leader’s competencies, and the development of a leader’s competencies is necessary for the effective application of management systems.